
The Unseen Bianca #6

This is a series of short articles about the mistakes, mishaps and favourite bits of Bianca and the Satanic Witches web comic - things I want to high light for one reason or other. Especially stuff that has been hidden until now.

This second article is about Bianca and the Satanic Witches episodes #26-30.

We still continue the flashback story of Stuart's throughout issues #26-28. I did introduce a new Bianca and the Satanic Witches logo in episode #28 that I really like.

I have said before that I tried to avoid all unnecessary formats that would lock my comic book down to any rigid rules. This goes for the logos as well - sometimes I don't even put them in and when I do they are all different. This one looks really nice in my opinion, though. It's very comic book-y but it also has something pretty 1980's about it, doesn't it?

Here's a rather nice, dramatic page from issue #27.

Once again it was partially obscured by the other panels so here is what the line art looked like originally:

Sometimes I like to "stretch a moment" as one might call it, by keeping the same composition throughout a series of panels to depict a continuous move. Such can be seen at the end of the same scene from issue #27. Stuart is obviously upset and leaves Bianca's apartment. This takes four panels creating the effect of almost a slow motion shot.

In cases such as this I like to paint the background only once and then copy it throughout the panels. This is how that background originally looked like:

On the next issue I had this very small, borderless image at the bottom of page three. It kind of gets drowned into the blackness of the margins that I decided to go for that page to emphasize the malevolence of Bianca being kidnapped by strange men in balaclavas.

This is that image in it's original glory:

On Bianca and the Satanic Witches issue #29 we finally step out from the flashback to visit Vernon Merrier to introduce his new, cybernetic appearance. Page four from that episode is one of my weirdest looking yet:

I made those images mostly individually and this is how those pieces originally looked like:

That issue also had one of my rare vector based pinup images. It's not one of my favourites - actually looks a bit shit - although I do really dig the colours.

I only made a simple sketch for this one and scanned it to computer to create the final result. This is the said pencil work:

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