
About the Pinups #22: Pinups #51-54

In this series of articles I tell the individual stories of the numerous Bianca and the Satanic Witches Pinups - mainly of my favourites, or in some other way important ones.

This is about the fiftieth, fifty first, second and third pinup in the series.

In issue #51 the evil Lady Seaborn uses her newly found powers to change the world around her. As these episodes happen in a weird, unfamiliar place, I thought it made sense to make the pinups in a uniform style for all of these.

As I used bottle ink to do the shadings for all the backgrounds and character tones in the actual episodes, I decided to ink the backgrounds with bottle ink using brushes. This is the background from Pinup #54, a closeup of the monster that Lady Seaborn has transformed into.

All the characters themselves I drew and inked normally, except I used a lot more shading on them - I figured I'd use very bold colouring with just few tones in these, so it made sense to make the characters little more detailed.

Finally I vectorized them all and combined them in Photoshop. I also coloured them there. I also spherized Bianca since she is supposed to be a reflection on the huge, bulging, globular eye.

In the end it looked too boring with just the few colours so I ended up breaking down the images with different textures. I think I went a bit overboard with this in the first two.

Also other mistakes: in the Pinup #54 I forgot that Bianca is supposed to be a reflection so her weird eye should have been on the other side. I could not just flip her since then the shadows would have been on the wrong side. I could have flipped the whole image, I guess, but then it would have looked weird. So that is one mistake I just have to live with.

I think some of these work better than others but I do think most of them tend to be on the boring side. The composition of #51 also kind of sucks since I needed to hide Valerie's and Anya's naughty bits behind the knife for Facebook usage etc. But they do improve on time and the last two in general look pretty good, in my opinion. And Bianca in Pinup #54 is, in my opinion, one of the coolest drawings of her I have ever done so I guess that's something.

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