

This is another commission work I did for Zombi-Horde about his character Mona. You can see the original design here.


About the Pinups #5: Pinup #9

In this series of articles I tell the individual stories of the numerous Bianca and the Satanic Witches Pinups - mainly of my favourites, or in some other way important ones.

This is about the ninth pinup in the series.


About the Pinups #4: Pinup #8

In this series of articles I tell the individual stories of the numerous Bianca and the Satanic Witches Pinups - mainly of my favourites, or in some other way important ones.

This is about the eight pinup in the series.


Doom over the World II.

I told about these cyber punk characters that have rummaged around in my head for ages once before. These character designs can be viewed here.

Just before I arrived on doing Bianca and the Satanic Witches I tried, once again, doing a comic about these old characters I have. Although it once again came for nought, I got few images of the first ever (incompleted) issue done.


About the Pinups #3: Pinup #5

In this series of articles I tell the individual stories of the numerous Bianca and the Satanic Witches Pinups - mainly of my favourites, or in some other way important ones.

This is about the fifth pinup in the series.


Nobody expects a huge monster.

A weird monster design I created for a project that never happened. The monster was supposed to be a mutant created by the futuristic version of the Spanish Inquisition.


About the Pin-ups #2: Pinup #3

In this series of articles I tell the individual stories of the numerous Bianca and the Satanic Witches Pinups - mainly of my favourites, or in some other way important ones.

This is about the third pinup in the series.



Once upon a time, something like ten years ago, I tried doing a comic based on ancient Greek mythology. It was called Androktones and was about the amazons - and somewhat of Herakles, who meets the female warriors.


About the Pin-ups #1: Pinup #1

In this series of articles I tell the individual stories of the numerous Bianca and the Satanic Witches Pinups - mainly of my favourites, or in some other way important ones.

This is about the very first Bianca and the Satanic Witches -pinup I ever did.


Old Movie Visualisations.

Once I wrote three movie scripts for a school project. None of them were ever made, and probably never will. I did, however, draw some pictures about the scripts so that people got some idea what I wanted some key scenes to look like.


Site update.

Why hello! Sadly, no new Bianca and the Satanic Witches -content this week.

Actually, I have had pretty much no work done for it this whole month, and will not get anything done for the rest of it. I was in the shoot of a short film for a couple of weeks and now I start a new school so I am in the middle of packing and moving myself to a new town.

This will, I'm afraid, mean a little break in the web comic for a while. Issue #30 is still pretty much at it's beginning stages so I plead for patience. I will keep people updated and try to post something each week anyway.

I have just gotten a lot of new people here so let me take this opportunity to thank everybody who has smashed the like button on Facebook and / or who visits the site every Monday. I'll do my best to get the next episode out as soon as possible. In the mean while, you have a great week!


The Demon Bay

Nothing really all that important, just a doodle I made. I think it pretty much speaks for itself. Although, if Satan was actually into movie business, I think we would have much more interesting films than we do these days.



A random pinup I did for an unused character a couple of years back. 



Yet another commission for Zombi-Horde. This time it's his character Pamdemic - more of her here.


Pain and bullshit.

Another small, simple piece I made at work. Isn't really related to anything.

But next week, with all likelihood, new Bianca -episode! Yay!