This is a short explanation on what all this is and why this page was created.
For a while in my life I have been interested in story telling and in comic books amongst other forms. Bianca and the Satanic Witches is my newest creation, that I have silently prepared in secret for quite a while. I wanted to do something completely contingent on me myself: my interests, my fetishes, my story points, my characters - and see if it possibly interests anybody.
So this entire thing is completely done by myself for myself. That is why it is also completely free for anybody to see. I would not dare to ask for money for something which I don't even know has any kind of audience. That is why it is also why the main release platform is the internet: the world wide web can help stuff spread for even smaller, snitch market places with ease.
If you come in here to read my works, I hope you read them with open mind - but not refrain from comment or critique. I have no interest in silencing people or boosting my own ego, even though the comic book in question is only born of my own desires. It is also just one of my many hobbies - many of which take a lot of my time - so I ask some for of leniency from the good people who might come here in the future. I do promise to do my best, though!
In the beginning I used to publish Bianca biweekly, show casing an unique pinup related to the latest story every other week. Now, however, I have ran out of ready-made Bianca stories, so new one is published as soon as it is ready. In the remaining weeks, usually on mondays I publish - in addition to the aforementioned pinups - old, unrelated artwork or behind the scenes -articles.
Every new episode - or issue - of Bianca is anywhere from five to ten pages long.
What I also feel I have to mention, is the fact that I am not a natural born English speaker. Although I, like most of the western world, have grown with English language movies, comics, books and music, some fuck ups with the language are bound to happen. Hell, some of them probably exist in this very introduction. So, once again I ask of your patience with me being a dirty foreigner, although all corrections of the language are more than welcome - they are really appreciated.
The same goes for the locale of the comic. I, in my infinite wisdom, have decided to locate my work to a small British village. Now, I have visited the UK only once and even that was in Wales, not in Enland where Bianca is supposed to happen. As a native of Finland I feel my own country rather boring, and american locales too much of a stretch from what I have used to in my own life (as well as already rummaged trough in myriad of Trans-Atlantic entertainment pieces).
That pretty much sums it up, just a tiny word on the always controversial topic of adult content. If everything has gone as desired upon the release of this page, you should have seen a confirmation page asking you to only continue if you are an adult person, before the main blog. That is there for a reason.
My comic has a lot of sex, nudity and later on, violence in it. As I said, I have grown the damned thing out of my own interests, and adult subject matters are definitely amongst them. I sense a disturbing lack in what I consider good, well crafted comics (and, indeed, stories in general) that uses these subjects whilst still being true to the art of story telling.
So is it porn? I don't know. You tell me. I'm fine with it being called porn, or erotic, or just including scenes of that nature. There is, in any case, no lack of nudity in my work, but it is also not the one and only point in the whole thing.
Even though there is the "adult content" warning in the beginning, I feel the need to remind you, that if you aren't a real grown up, this comic is not for you. Also, if you have the habit of being offended by everything, this is also not for you. Unless you enjoy being offended, in which case, welcome, friend!
With no further ado, let us all enjoy the world of Bianca and the Satanic Witches.
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