
Bianca is complete - what now?

As the active readers have no doubt noticed, I did what I set out to do many years ago: to tell this story exactly as I wanted to tell it featuring these characters that I have created. The earliest "dates" on any Bianca and the Satanic Witches drawings paint back to 2014 - six years ago! - so no surprise, this has been quite a ride for me.

During this time I have started a new school, moved at least three times, changed cities, started and ended relationships... Bianca has been pretty much the only constant thing throughout all of this, within the moving boxes, different apartments and situations.

Not only is Bianca the first big thing in my life I feel I have accomplished fully from beginning to end, it is also something I can feel pretty proud of. Although it might not be the most thoroughly thought out story and there are multiple visual things that could have been done better, I can't help but to feel fulfillment for sharing these ideas and imaginary people to the world.

The last pinup of Bianca is actually my favourite of possibly all of them. The idea came from the mosaic theme where I would compile all the images of Bianca from throughout the years and issues on top of a simple portrait of her. The idea is cool in my opinion and nicely tells visually about the huge journey not just me but this beloved character of mine have traveled.

However the mosaic itself became almost secondary as the painting itself worked out so well, in my opinion.

I actually liked it so much that I even put it on frames and hung on my wall - something I haven't bothered to do with any other art piece of mine - well, except an very old, expressionistic self portrait from years and years ago.

This was finally worth it - and how apt, it being the very last image of this character, who has been such a big part of my life for years, that I'll probably ever do.

Of course now that I have this experience I want to do more. I toyed originally with an idea of doing a sequel of sorts - well, not a sequel per se, but something that incorporates some of the same characters. I have no objection of some of them resurfacing in some form or another one day, but right now my head is swimming with completely new ideas and characters.

I have already started to script a new comic that will be, like Bianca, a web release made of short, 5-10 page parts. It will also be erotic in nature and a kind of an adventure. Everything else will be brand new, though (well, at least for me) and this is something I'm already really excited about.

Don't be waiting this new comic to appear next week, though - or next year for that matter. I want to develop this in peace before I start actually doing it, and even then I won't start publishing it until I have a decent enough chunk done. This is, of course, to avoid some of the mistakes done with Bianca and the Satanic Witches: hurrying throughout the last multiple years, trying to squeeze the next episode out in as short a time as possible no matter what was going on in my life was not the best part of this experience. I realize this is something the normal, big company comic book artists have to deal with, but hey: they get paid for it. I do this on my own time when life permits.

I hated posting only an episode a month, I hated skipping a whole summer that one time. Bianca burned inside of me and wanted to break out. I don't intend to make these mistakes with my next story. These things take time and I want to make this so much better than Bianca ever was. Before that I would also like to get out of school and also update my computer that has worked well for all this time, but is now getting outdated fast.

So, all in all, Bianca and the Satanic Witches shall forever stay here, on the internet, for free (or at least until this blog site goes down or kicks it out for whatever reason). One of my last missions, that I intend to take care of within the next few days, is revamping the "Read Bianca in Order?" -list on the top right corner: make it a little bit more appealing looking and also put some of my favourite behind-the-scenes -stuff in there as well.

So Bianca will be up, the facebook page will be up, but I won't be posting there anymore, except when I finally get my new story off the ground. So I hope you all hang about and reread Bianca and the Satanic Witches - maybe even dare to spread it around.

So, from me to you, I wish you all a fond farewell for a while. I hope you and your families are well. I will return in my due time and Bianca herself will meet you in your sweetest day dreams.


The Unseen Bianca #11

This is a series of short articles about the mistakes, mishaps and favourite bits of Bianca and the Satanic Witches web comic - things I want to high light for one reason or other. Especially stuff that has been hidden until now.

This second article is about Bianca and the Satanic Witches episodes #51-55.


Brand New Bianca Episode coming soon!

Once again I have nothing to show you guys except a promise that the long awaited Bianca and the Satanic Witches episode #55 will be here very soon - please wait for next monday! It will be worth it!


About the Pinups #22: Pinups #51-54

In this series of articles I tell the individual stories of the numerous Bianca and the Satanic Witches Pinups - mainly of my favourites, or in some other way important ones.

This is about the fiftieth, fifty first, second and third pinup in the series.


Evolution of my light table

A short article about the changes I have made to my self built light table throughout the years.