This second article is about Bianca and the Satanic Witches episodes #16-20.
I had done this drawing of a photograph that Sliver has of Bianca on issue #10.
All well and good but then I needed to draw the same photo again... and again... and again! And I really suck at making the same thing multiple times. Here you can see how much the supposedly same image has changed over the issues: first and second being from #16, third from the pinup of the same episode and the last from #17.
I think that nowadays I might have tried only drawing the portrait once and then pasting it onto the different images. Also I would have only coloured it once.
Talking about that, I also coloured these with all the colours even though they were supposed to be monochrome. It was just easier to desaturate them on photoshop than to try creating all the different shades of grey with just my black water colour button.
On the issue #17, we also have this image where the things from the upper panel bleed out of their frame and partially on top of this one.
This is how that image looked like without those intrusions. I like this line art a lot.
This is from Bianca and the Satanic Witches #18. I' happy with the episode but it has few really glaring mistakes. The first one is this image from page two. It looks really crowded and you can't really tell what's going on. This is because of my bad planning: the upper image eats away the line of people behind Merrier and the huge speach balloon takes away too much of the background.
This is how the line art for that originally looked like:
The other problem is this background from the last panel of the last page of the same issue:
That's not how that was supposed to look. The thing was I ran out of decent paper that I use to colour the water colours in. And since I am a poor and a cheap person, I did not want to spend the lolly to get a new pad of drawing paper quite yet. Instead I used some kind of card board that just happened to be lying around.
Well, the trouble arised when that said cardboard was way too thick to see through with the light table! So even when I had sketched this really ornate and cool city street view I had to scrap that and try to improvise something. And this unholy mess is what followed. It kind of looks like our characters are walking through a red snot or something.
Episodes #19 and #20 take place at the local bar once again. You can see the drawing of the jukebox here and all the songs I not only liked but thought that our characters could also enjoy.
The ones mentioned are:
Eagles: Good Day in Hell
Lene Lovich: Bird Song
Black Sabbath: War Pigs
Faun: Market Song
Emilie Autumn: Gothic Lolita
Lorena also mentions Coven's Witchcraft album playing in issue #19. I don't know what kind of small town bar would have such songs on their jukebox but I guess you could argue it's the influence of our friendly witches.
I love bars and bar booths, by the way, but I hate drawing them! They never end up looking like anything particular, just a mess. Here's a shit background of one from #19 page 5:
I was glad to put a lot of other images on top of that one on the final page:
Although the line art is quite nice.
Finally, just a nice image of Bianca kicking Merrier on the balls from #20 page 6:
And here is that line art without the intruding other panel. Just for, you know, the sake of happy memories.
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